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[In Person] Antibody Engineering for ADCs

Speakers: Bernhard Geierstanger, PhD, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, Firefly Bio
Organizers: PBSS Vancouver
Date: 2024-09-11
Time: 10:00-12:30 Pacific Time
Registration fee: Attendees, CDN$10; Vendors: CDN$350; Major Sponsor: CDN$1500
Location: The Floral Hall @ VanDusen Gardens, Vancouver (Oak St at 37th Ave; parking is free)
Major Sponsor: (1)Abzena
Vendor show vendors registered to date: (7)Altasciences; Curia Global; Frontage Laboratories; Labcorp; Sciex; Unchained Labs; WuXi Apptec
Registration deadline:2024-09-01  (it will close sooner if the seating cap is reached)

About the Speakers

Bernhard Geierstanger is CTO and co-founder of FireflyBio, a bay area ADC startup. He is an expert in protein engineering, ADCs and biotherapeutics. Before FireflyBio, he worked at Merck (MRL) and the Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation (GNF) leading teams that develop innovative biotherapeutics. Several of these have advanced to clinical trials. He has also pioneered novel methods for protein modification, site-specific conjugation, and the use of immune stimulating ADC payloads.

Bernhard holds a Ph.D. in Biophysics from UC Berkeley and was a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University. He has authored >60 publications and is an inventor on >30 patents and patent applications.

©Pharmaceutical & BioScience Society, International; Last Modified: 2/12/2025; Admin Logon
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